Wednesday 7 July 2010

Joanna Dryden, The Science of Packing, BA Hons

Regarding the above title, if only. So it's twenty past midnight, meaning that my flight leaves in 20 hours. And yes, I've given the word 'excited' a new meaning. But am I packed? Of course I'm bloody not. Have I written a list of what I need to pack? Yes. Have I moved various essentials from room to room? Of course. Have I eaten too much Nutella? Most probably (it's packing induced stress, I tell you!) And what I want most of all right now? A degree in packing.

But none of this is important! I'm skipping away for the next month (and yes, I will be actually skipping to the airport gate, I'll provide photographic evidence if necessary). Hopefully I'll come back with some new photo poses (Lady Gaga stole mine, the bint) and a golden tan. Gahhh, who I am kidding on the tan front, I'm Caspa's twin.

And if this is blocked in China, well I'll be damned!

Thursday 1 April 2010

I think I overslept, it seems to be winter again...

Weather, it's a fickle thing, isn't it. After a couple of rather glorious weeks of actual sunshine, less rain and signs of warmth, I was prepared for spring. I even managed to sneak in a lovely evening at the beach. Alas no, I think Spring is already over. My usual pleasant 20 minute walk to work yesterday felt like I was battling my way across the Artic. Wind, rain and upturned umbrellas. Now, I'm sure if any Northerners read this, they will be tutting at their computer screens, but I am Southern. And yes, I do need to man up! Or maybe just invest in some thermal underwear... But it's April and I'm sitting in what feels like a ice chamber in 3 layers, freezing my little Southern socks off. Although that late evening glimmer of sunshine does look beautiful, shame it's so deceiving. I'll give it 10 minutes until the next shower.

Maybe planning an essay on the notion of cultural memory will whisk me away to thoughts of sunnier climates...

Tuesday 30 March 2010

The day it rained in Manchester

After many months of putting it off, I have finally given in and hopped on the blog bandwagon. Though I am still deliberating whether this will be a creative outlet or yet another form of procrastination (I'll take the former, far more justifiable).

Today I discovered that I have a problem, a minor addiction. A lipstick obsession. Now, this may sound rather trivial (and by my own admission, it is), but I am currently buying a new lipstick every week. I am a student for goodness sake, surely some groceries would be a much better investment?! Evidently not, as it seems that I will happily sacrifice meals for the latest shade. Must stop this habit now. Looks like I'll have to go cold turkey. Ouch. But the Mac counter looks so lovely...